How to earn more Interests on your Savings Bank Account?

How to earn more Interests on your Savings Bank Account?
All of us keep our hard earned money in locker or savings bank account for any emergency that may arise in nearby future. This ensures liquidity of money but at the same time rate of interest @ 3.75 % p.a. (if your bank doesn’t offer 6% – 7% interest on savings account) that we earn on the money lying in savings bank account is too low in this inflation period and may not be sufficient for our prolonged growth.

So just think how it would be if we can maintain liquidity of our funds and still at the same time earn high interest on money lying in SB account. You can have below two options to achieve rate of interest at higher side.

Deposit in FD
You can open Fixed Deposit with any bank, earning interest  6.75% (updated in Nov 2016).Well, you already know this option. Your money will be locked for the tenure of FD and you may need this money anytime. You don’t want your money to be locked by your bank, right?

Sweep in Facility

What exactly happens with this is that you need to set some amount as threshold limit, above which any amount credit to your account will automatically move to a fixed deposit and yield a higher rate of interest for the tenure it is with the bank. If you have en-cashed cheque for any of your urgent needs, no issues your deposit will care for this.

Suppose, you have set a threshold limit of Rs. 10,000 in your savings bank account and have deposited Rs. 50,000 in the account. Now, that Rs. 10,000 will remain in your savings bank account and Rs. 40,000 will automatically convert into fixed deposit which will earn you a higher rate of interest of about 8-9% per annum

This shows you will earn savings bank account interest of 4% on Rs. 10,000 and 8-9% returns on Rs. 40,000 so you have the benefit of enjoying an additional rate of interest of about 4-5% on Rs. 40,000 and at the same time you are also able to maintain the liquidity for any emergency that may arise. If you are not making use of this extremely good option, ultimately you would loose this money which you could have grown.

3: Manual sweep-in facility with regular Fixed Deposit

You can avail sweep-in option when opening regular FD. All banks provide this facility. Some banks allow you to convert your regular FD into sweep-in account.

Some disadvantages associated with it are as under:

You will be penalized on interest if you are utilizing money over the limit. They will just charge small 0.05 to 0.75%, but 7.25% is still better than 6.1%.
To open and break fixed deposits in case of manual sweep-in is a cumbersome process. In order to avoid the hassle and rush just go for auto sweep-in FDs.
Choose such banks which are having minimum threshold limits.


Sweep in facility is best way to park your contingency funds as it is automatic. Savings account interest rates can be made high-interest savings accounts, if we choose wisely. Select threshold limit in such a way that it will be around 2 months expenses to avoid sweep-out penalty. Now go out this Saturday and avail these options in order to enjoy benefits on hard earned money. You have worked a way long full month to earn money, let money now work for you.

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इंस्टेंट मैसेजिंग ऐप वॉट्सएप की तरह ही एक और ऐप जिसका नाम भी वॉट्सएप प्लस है, यूजर्स के बीच काफी पॉपुलर हो रहा है। अगर आपने भी इस ऐप को डाउनलोड कर लिया है, या ऐसा करने का सोच रहे हैं, तो सावधान हो जाइए। 

ये एक फेक ऐप है, जिसे यूजर्स को कंफ्यूज कर उनका फोन डेटा प्राप्त करने और विज्ञापन के जरिए मार्केटिंग करने के लिए तैयार किया गया है। दरअसल ये पहली बार नहीं है, जब वॉट्सएप के जैसा फेक ऐप आया हो।

प्लेस्टोर पर वॉट्सएप के जैसे कई फेक ऐप्स मौजूद हैं, जो फोन में डाउनलोड होने पर यूजर्स का डेटा थर्ड पार्टी ऐप्स तक पहुंचा देते हैं। वॉट्सएप प्लस ऐप बड़ी संख्या में एंड्रॉइड यूजर्स द्वारा डाउनलोड किया जा रहा है। हालांकि ये ऐप नहीं, अनऑफिशियल मॉडिफाइड एपीके है। 

इस ऐप को एक लिंक के जरिए डाउनलोडऔर इंस्टॉल किया जाता है। डाउनलोड करते समय यूजर्स के पास एग्री और कंटीन्यू पर क्लिक करने का ऑप्शन आता है। इसे डाउनलोड करने के बाद यूजर्स का डेटा थर्ड पार्टी के साथ शेयर किया जा सकता है। इस ऐप के अपडेट के लिए आपको थर्ड पार्टी की वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा और ऐसा करने पर आपका डेटा और पर्सनल मैसेज बार-बार रिस्क में होंगे। 

इसके अलावा आपके फोन में मैलवेयर भी हमला कर सकते हैं, क्योंकि इस तरह के फेक ऐप्स में वायरस और मैलवेयर होते हैं। साल 2015 में वॉट्सएप कंपनी ने वॉट्सएप प्लस यूज करने वाले कई सारे लोगों को ब्लॉक कर दिया था। ऐसे में इस ऐप से दूरी बनाकर रखना ही यूजर्स के लिए बेहतर है।

पेन ड्राइव यूज करने के ये तरीके कर देंगे आपको हैरान

पेन ड्राइव यूज करने के ये तरीके कर देंगे आपको हैरान

पेन ड्राइव का इस्तेमाल हम सभी करते हैं। ज्यादातर लोग इसे सिर्फ फाइल और डेटा ट्रांसफर करने के लिए ही करते हैं। दरअसल पेन ड्राइव का सबसे कॉमन यूज यही है, लेकिन डेटा ट्रांसफर के अलावा पेन ड्राइव का इस्तेमाल और भी कई तरीकों से किया जा सकता है। अगर आपके पास भी पेन ड्राइव है, तो इसे आप रैम, ड्राइव और पासवर्ड प्रोटेक्टर के तौर पर भी कर सकते हैं। आज हम आपको इस आर्टीकल में हम आपको यूएसबी ड्राइव का अन्य तरीको से इस्तेमाल के बारे में बताएंगे। आइए जानते हैं इसके बारे में।

1. Install A Linux Distro (एक लिनस डिस्टरो इंस्टॉल करें) आप अपने यूएसबी फ्लैस ड्राइव से डाटे स्टोर और ट्रांस्फर करने के अलावा पोर्टेबल एप्लीकेशन भी चला सकते हैं। एक वेबसाइट है जो Windows उपयोगकर्ताओं को आपके USB ड्राइव से किसी भी ऐप को चलाने में मदद कर सकता है। इसके लिए यूएसबी में क्रोम, वीएलसी जैसे ड्राइव को कंट्रोल करना होगा।

2. Use It As A RAM (इसे रैम की तरह प्रयोग करें) रैम प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता के कंप्यूटर में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है क्योंकि अधिक रैम का मतलब है कि आपके सिस्टम की गति और तेज हो। आप विंडोज 7, 8 और 10 में एक रैम के रूप में अपने यूएसबी / पेनड्राइव का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

3. Lock and Unlock Your Computer (कंप्यूटर को लॉक एंड अनलॉक) हम आमतौर पर हमारे पासवर्ड और पिन का उपयोग करके कंप्यूटर में प्रवेश करते हैं। हालांकि, क्या आप जानते हैं कि आप अपने कंप्यूटर को लॉक और अनलॉक करने के लिए अपने यूएसबी पेनड्राइव का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं? जी हां आप ऐसा भी कर सकते हैं। प्रीडेटाटर नाम के सोफ्टवेयर के जरिए आप यूएसबी डिवाइस के जरिए अपने पीसी का अनलोक पासवर्ड भी बदल सकते हैं।

4. Partition Hard Drives (हार्ड ड्राइव का पुन:विभाजन) वेब पर एक सोफ्टवेयर उपलब्ध है जिसके जरिए आप अपने पीसी के हार्ड ड्राइव को पुन: विभाजन कर सकते हैं। Parted Magic नाम का एक लोकप्रिय सोफ्टवेयर है, जो ऐप विभाजन के दौरान हार्ड ड्राइव को भ्रष्ट करने का जोखिम कम करता है क्योंकि आप फ्लैश ड्राइव से बूट कर रहे होते हैं।

5. Run Dropbox or Google Drive (रन ड्रॉपबॉक्स और गूगल ड्राइव) आजलक लोगों को कई बार जल्दी में अपना डाटा सेव करने की जरूरत पड़ती है। इसके लिए वो ड्रॉपबॉक्स या गूगल ड्राइव का उपयोग करते हैं। ऐसा आप यूएसबी यानी पेन ड्राइव के जरिए भी कर सकत हैं। यूएसबी के जरिए आप जल्दबाजी में गूगल ड्राइव और ड्रॉपबोक्स में फाइल्स सेव कर सकते हैं। PortableApps सूट में पोर्टेबल ड्रॉपबॉक्स और Google ड्राइव उपलब्ध है।

6. Computer Troubleshooting (कंप्यूटर ट्रबलशूटिंग) यदि आप कंप्यूटर में बूट करने में असमर्थ हैं। ऐसे में आप आवश्यकता अनुसार कंप्यूटर को ठीक करने, बनाए रखने या समस्या का निवारण करने के लिए आप यूएसबी फ्लैश ड्राइव का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। आप ट्रेंड माइक्रो के हाउसकॉल या ग्लैरी यूटिलिटीज़ का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, जो कि एक रजिस्ट्री क्लीन, अस्थायी फ़ाइलों को हटाने, स्टार्टअप प्रोग्रामों को प्रबंधित करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

7. Password Protect Your USB Pendrive (यूएसबी में पासवर्ड लगाकर सुरक्षित करें) आजकल के इस कंप्यूटर युग में सभी कुछ डेटा यानी कि डॉक्यूमेंट्स पर ही निर्भर रहता है। इस डॉक्यूमेंट्स को सेव करने के लिए मेमोरी कार्ड, पेन ड्राइव, हार्ड डिस्क जैसी चीजों में सेव करते हैं। कभी-कभी इन उपकरणों में हमारे कई महत्वपूर्ण फाइल्स सेव रहते हैं जिन्हें हम गुप्त रखना चाहते हैं। ऐसे में आप अपने यूएसबी में पासवर्ड भी लगा सकते हैं।

30 Indian History General Knowledge Questions and Answers

30 Indian History General Knowledge Questions and Answers  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. The local name of Mohenjodaro is
Answer:  Mound of the Dead

2. Which of the following was the first Indian State that signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the East India Company
Answer:  Hyderabad

3. Badami, the second capital of the early Chalukyas was formerly known as
Answer:  Vatapi

4. Who was defeated and killed in the Fourth Mysore war at Srirangapattanam
Answer: Tippu Sultan

5. The leader who represented Indian labour at the Second Round Table Conference was
Answer: VV Giri

6. Who established Independent Labour Party in 1936
Answer:  B. R. Ambedkar

7. Who described Jinnah as "the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity"
Answer:  Sarojini Naidu

8. When did Lord Curzon initiate "Co-operative Credit Society Act" to provide farmers a loan on low interest rate
Answer: 1904

9. Under whose command was the "Rani Jhansi Regiment" - the women's regiment of Azad Hind Fauj
Answer: Laxmi Sehagal

10. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress
Answer: (c) Badruddin Taiyabji

11. Who was the first Indian to become a member of the British Parliament
Answer:  Dadabhai Naoroji

12. Which ancient Indian scholar was first to introduce negative numbers
Answer:  Brahmagupta

13. The export of slaves from India was banned by
Answer:  Feroz Tughluq

14. The Mughal emperor who drove away the Portuguese from Hugli, the premier port of Bengal, was
Answer: Shah Jahan

15. The Mughal 'firman' of free trade in Bengal was granted to the English in
Answer: 1717

16. The Ram Krishna Mission was founded by Swami Vivekanand in the year
Answer:  1897

17. The Ryotwari system was first introduced by British in
Answer:  Madras

18. Who is known as the "The Mother of the Indian Revolution"
Answer:  Madam Cama

19. Who was the Prime Minister of England when the Montagu-Chelmsford Act was passed in 1919
Answer:  Lloyd George

20. Which party was represented by Dadabhai Naoroji in the British House of Commons
Answer:  Liberal Party

21. Which incident initiated the Swadeshi movement in British India
Answer: Bengal Partition

22. The Civil Disobedience Movement was started with which event
Answer:  Dandi March

23. In which Muslim League session, the "Divide and Quit" slogan was raised by Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Answer: Karachi Session, 1943

24. The Indian Slavery Act, 1843 was enacted by which Governor-General
Answer:  Lord Ellenborough

25. From the followings, who is appointed twice as the Governor-General of India
Answer:  Cornwallis

26. The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, which deals with the preservation of ancient monuments was passed during the times of
Answer:  Curzon

27. Which Mughal Emperor discontinued the practice of Jharokha-Darshan
Answer:  Aurangazeb

28. The religious scriptures of Mahayanism were written in
Answer:  Pali

29. Who is also known as the "Lord of five Indies"
Answer: Harsha

30. Who among these was never elected to the Presidentship of INC
Answer:  Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Abbreviations & Meanings

ABBREVIATION                             MEANING

AAA                                                        abdominal aortic aneurysm
                                                        auscultation & percussion
                                                        arterial blood gases
                                                        arterial blood pressure
                                                         alternating current
                                                        American Diabetic Association
                                                        anterior cruciate ligament
                                                        activities of daily living
                                                        acid fast
                                                        acid fast bacillus
                                                        albumin-globulin ratio
                                                    silver nitrate
                                                   American Heart Association
                                                   autoimmune hemolytic disease
                                                      aortic insufficiency
                                                      above ankle
                                                   also known as above knee amputation*
AMA                       *against medical advice or American Medical Association
                                                          acute myocardial infarction
                                                   Amperage   Amplitude   ampule*
AP                                                  Anteroposterior   * Aortopulmonary
A&P                                                        auscultation and percussion
                                                        aortic second sound
                                                      adult respiratory distress syndrome
                                                        aortic stenosis* Arteriosclerosis
AS (cont’d)                                         auris sinistra (left ear)
                                                        acetylsalicylic (aspirin)
                                                        as soon as possible
                                                        atrial septal defect
                         arteriosclerotic heart disease / atrial septal heart defect
                                                        arteriovenous        atrioventricular
                                                           absent without leave

Xiaomi Mi 7 under-display fingerprint sensor confirmed by CEO

Vivo X20 UD carries the credits for being the first smartphone feature an under-display fingerprint sensor. Following the same, the company came up with the Vivo APEX concept phone and the Vivo X21 UD, which is the successor to the X20 UD. After Vivo, Huawei introduced the Mate RS Porsche Design with an under-display fingerprint sensor. The manufacturer to choose such a feature appears to be Xiaomi.

Xiaomi's CEO Lei Jun has taken to Weibo to confirm to the Xiaomi fans that the Mi 7 will arrive with an in-display fingerprint sensor. Recently, Xiaomi added the Mi Mix 2S teardown images on its official Weibo handle and one of the users posted a statement saying that the Mi 7 could arrive with an under-display fingerprint sensor. To this, Jun has responded stating that it really does.

 Previously, we came across reports revealing that Xiaomi Mi 7 and Mi 7 Plus flagship smartphones will be announced together. The leaked firmware files revealed a lot of details about the upcoming flagship smartphone such as its specifications and features. However, the files of the Mi 7 did not shed any light on the presence of an under-display fingerprint sensor. For now, we know a few details about the Xiaomi Mi 7. 

The device is likely to be codenamed Dipper and arrive with a display notch, a Snapdragon 845 SoC, advanced facial recognition, 16MP dual rear cameras with AI capabilities and a 3400mAh battery with support for wireless charging. The leaked firmware files even suggest that the Mi 7 Plus could be codenamed Ursa and that it might feature an under-display fingerprint sensor. It is possible for the Mi 7 Plus to have the advanced facial recognition feature and the Mi 7 to not feature the same. When it comes to the rumored specifications of the Mi 7 Plus, the smartphone is expected to arrive with an OLED display, optical zoom enabled dual-rear cameras, a Snapdragon 845 SoC and a 4000mAh battery.

Xiaomi is likely to announce the Mi 7 and Mi 7 Plus smartphones by June this year. Given that the company teased the Mi Mix 2S continuously for almost a month ahead of its launch, we can expect Xiaomi to follow the same strategy with the flagship devices as well.

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High Efficiency Video Coding and its importance in 4K videos

The age of 1080p videos is fading and it’s being replaced with 4K videos. We’ve all adjusted to crispier video quality. If you’re researching TVs or screens that output the best display, you’ve certainly seen the '4K’ term being thrown around. However, if you’ve been a long-standing advocate of good video quality, you’ll know that storage is always a plight. 1080p videos do take up a decent amount of space, but 4K videos are extreme.

A single hour of a 4K video totals up to 100+ GB. This ridiculous amount of data has to be compressed, as it is with all other video formats, and the technology that promises great compression efficiency is the HEVC. High Efficiency Video Coding or H.265 is a complex algorithm that compresses your video and resizes it to smaller units. To understand why HEVC is so great, we’ll need to understand how it differs from the current standard - Advanced Video Coding (AVC)/H.264. Raw footages can never be streamed or downloaded since their sizes are enormous. Therefore, compression is necessary. The algorithms in compressors use different techniques to compress the video. Intra-frame compression takes a single frame of a video and breaks it down into chunks called macroblocks. If the frame is of the sky, then the idea is to match all the pixels with the same color instead of each pixel storing data individually. While AVC cuts the frame into 16x16 blocks, HEVC differs in this by deconstructing the frame into 64x64 blocks. The algorithm remembers fewer details thereby decreasing the overall size. Another technique used is the Inter-frame compression. Predictability plays a key role in this. The algorithm analyses multiple frames and decides what parts of the frames are stationary. So instead of repeating the image continuously, one frame is retained. A more technical explanation talks about the algorithm, which uses the power of the CPU and the graphics card to generate data through the pixel instead of storing them individually.

This has a mathematical context too complicated for a layman, but what we need to remember is that the HEVC has higher predictability models - 35 is the number. In contrast, AVC has 9. However, problems in hardware acceleration still prevent widespread usage of the HEVC. Since the algorithm draws support from the CPU as well as the Graphics Card, systems with poor functionality perform poorly. HEVC also needs support from players and most players don't possess the codec yet.

These are the major reasons why HEVC hasn't secured a strong foothold yet, but worries aside, improvements in video quality requires excellent compressors and H.265 will soon transit to all workstations.

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How to find your call and SMS data collected by Facebook and stop it

How to find your call and SMS data collected by Facebook and stop it

The fresh controversy about Facebook is that the social media giant is accused of collecting call history, contact information and SMS data from Android devices. The company's CEO Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed the action in a public post, thereby increasing the privacy concerns of the Android users.

While this information has surfaced online, Facebook has clearly revealed that it is collecting the user data in order to improve the user experience. And, the social media giant has made it clear that it does not sell the data or share the same with the third-party apps. Also, the company claims that it does not collect the content of the calls or text messages gathered from the Android devices.

Given that Facebook collects the calls logs and SMS details of Android users, the next question that would arise is to know what data has been gathered and prevent the same from happening henceforth.

Know what data has been collected 

Step 1: Visit from the desktop. 

Step 2: This will open the General Account Settings menu and you need to click on ‘Download a copy' link from there. 

Step 3: You will be redirected to the ‘Download your Information' page with the option ‘Share My Archive. Clicking on this will prepare your data for download. Once it is ready, you will get the option ‘Download Archive'. 

Step 4: The data will be downloaded as a .zip file, you need to extract the files. Then click on HTML and contact_info from the options at the left below the profile photo. 

Step 5: Now, scroll down to the bottom to find out the gathered call and SMS data. The document shows your data that the advertisers are using from Facebook under the Ads section.

Prevent Facebook from collecting data 

It is stated that the data collection happens because data sync is turned on. So, if you want to stop the data collection, then you need to stop Facebook from syncing your contacts. To do so, click on your profile picture from Home at the top right corner. Then navigate to People → Synced Contacts. The users of Facebook Lite can do so by tapping the three-line icon → App Settings → Continuous Contacts Upload. You should tab the Sync Your Call and Text History option off from the settings. Also, you should remove the uploaded contacts from Messenger via the Manage Imported Contacts for Messenger page. You can remove the uploaded contacts from Messenger by hitting Delete All. You need to turn off the continuous syncing on all your devices where you use the Messenger app to prevent the data being uploaded again.

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